Wednesday, June 30, 2010

An Early Start

I got a head start learning about Korean culture by sitting in on the ELI class from Ansan. Within a few seconds of entering the room, I was welcomed to sit down by one of the students with a hearty pat on the table. I said hello, but instead of immediately explaining myself, I sat with the class just like a regular student and watched how things developed. It took a bit of prodding to break the ice.

Instructor: "Does anyone have any questions about anything?"
"Does anyone have any questions about anything in this room?"

When the instructor finally stood directly behind me and asked the question, they could no longer avoid the subject. When I told them I was heading to Ansan, the room let out a collective "ohhhhh". We had a great discussion about things to do and see in the area! All the suggestions sounded good, and I have a stack of cards to help me on my search. I had a good time, and I hope they find me and say hello upon their return to Ansan in a few weeks.

10 hours and counting ...
