Sunday, July 4, 2010

Korea: Fact or Fiction

We had another fantastic day meeting more Ansan students. We saw our first 3D movie "Shrek", and had lunch at Lotte Mart. Lotte Mart is located near the Home Plus store. These are two HUGE shopping centers, and only a few meters apart. Lotte Mart has an entire floor dedicated to a food court, a movie theater, and more things to buy than most in Sheboygan have ever seen.

This being my fourth day, I've been able to confirm or disprove a lot of conceptions about Korea.

"Korean people are very nice."
FACT: I've had several people speak to me in english on the street. Shopkeepers are especially nice. The weekend crew at the Family Mart has been so kind that I visit them daily. I also had a fun experience at a nearby 7-11, where the cashier greeted me before seeing my face. She had a surprised look for a moment, but was very kind and cheerful. Most cash registers here display the total price, so the amounts are always clear.

"You will need to learn to use an asian toilet."
FICTION (so far): Ansan City is very urban and advanced. In some ways, it feels like New York City with it's older areas and neighborhoods. The culture shock isn't anywhere near what I thought it would be.

"You will eat kimchi at every meal and learn to love it."
FICTION: Kimchi will be AVAILABLE on the side at every meal, but it's usually served as a side garnish. Every meal that I have had has been fantastic. I don't know the names, but there has been vegetables with deep fried egg, buckwheat noodle soup (with ice!), and many other delicious foods that would fit in with an American diet.

Soon, I will be off to meet with our professor and discuss our first classes. This is where the REAL fun begins.

It's a bad picture, but YES it says SMOKED BRATS. Sold one block from campus. John Cook brand! They are different than Wisconsin, but still very good! It is my secret, and I'm telling no-one!

This is a Korean concrete mixer!

This is the view of the sand soccer and baseball field next to our rooms. Ansan only has intramural sports, yet most of the players I have seen had professional looking uniforms.

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